Meet Us!

Theresa Howe CNWI, CTDI

Theresa’s Nose Work journey began shortly after the PeeWee and Dottie came to their lives as puppies. She has become a nose work nerd over the years, acquiring as much knowledge as possible. She loves webinars and seminars that not only help her become a better instructor, but also a better team mate to her dogs.

She was certified by NACSW as a Certified Nose Work Instructor in January, 2024. She is also a Certified Trick Dog Instructor through Do More With Your Dog!

PeeWee is her heart dog and she loves having the opportunity to be able to do so many activities together on a regular basis – especially traveling together as a group and getting to have such fun adventures!

Angela Howe

Growing up, Angela was surrounded by animals; she had rabbits, cats and a horse that she rode Gymkhana with.

She was determined to have corgis in her adult life and had two wonderful Pembroke corgis before the Twelve Paw dogs entered our lives. She loves having dogs with a job. When she grows up, she would like to have 20 dogs, but her husband won’t let her.

She enjoys working video services for nose work trials, as it allows her to see lots of dogs solve problems. Not only does it help her learn, but it also lets her see lots of dogs!